The Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression is a Black and brown-led grassroots organization fighting for community control of the police in order to end police crimes committed primarily against the poor and Black, Indigenous, and brown people. We demand the creation of a civilian police accountability council, or CPAC, to ensure that our community is in direct control of our police force. We were founded in 1973 and our parent organization was National United Committees to Free Angela Davis and All Political Prisoners. Today we see the police occupation of communities and mass incarceration as the two greatest obstacles to our fight for democracy and liberation.
Our chapter of the National Alliance was re-founded in April of 2020, demanding that the City of Milwaukee re-open the north-side COVID testing site after announcing its closure. From there, MAARPR began to become community leaders in the police crimes movement after the George Floyd Rebellion.
Interested in Joining the Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression? Fill out this google form here .
Follow us on social media !
Instagram: @Milwaukeealliance
Facebook: Milwaukee Alliance Against Against Racist and Political Repression
Tiktok: Mke_Alliance

Milwaukee Alliance members march in the first march hosted by the recently refounded chapter in June of 2020.